What is Homoeopathy and how does it work?

The word Homoeopathy is derived from the Greek “homoios” meaning “like” and “pathos” meaning “suffering”. Homoeopathy is a highly effective system of medicine that makes use of natural remedies (made from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms) in small, highly diluted and energised (otherwise known as potentised) doses. Homoeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own defence systems (often referred to in Homoeopathy as the Vital Force) to initiate the healing process and restore balance. Utilising a holistic approach to medicine, the Homoeopathic Practitioner aims to treat the patient as an individual and thus incorporates the entire scope of a person’s mental, emotional and physical well-being into each consultation and prescription.

There is a common misconception that Homoeopathy takes a long time to work. This is simply not true. In acute illness (such as the common cold or acute-onset pain for example), the correctly prescribed homoeopathic remedy can be known to work almost immediately. In chronic conditions (such as Osteoarthritis or chronic sinusitis for example) the pathway to health may take longer depending on the circumstances surrounding each individual case.

What Conditions can Homoeopathic medicine treat?

Including but not limited to:

Acne, ADHD, adrenal fatigue/burn-out, allergies, anaemia, anxiety, headaches arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis), asthma,  autoimmune disease, bladder infections, bronchitis, cancer (as supportive treatment and to help alleviate side-effects of conventional medications), childhood illnesses,  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome , chronic back/neck pain, cold sores, colic, common cold, connective tissue disease,  conjunctivitis, depression, diabetes, digestive problems, ear infections, eczema, Endometriosis, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, fungal skin/nail infections, gallbladder problems, GORD, gout, haemorrhoids, halitosis, hayfever, heavy/painful periods, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high cortisol levels, incontinence, infertility, Inflammatory Bowel Disease,  influenza, insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, kidney problems, liver dysfunctions, lung infections, memory/learning difficulties, menopause, menstrual irregularities, migraines,  motion sickness, muscular strains, neurological disorders, obesity, PCOS , pleurisy, PMS, poor circulation, pregnancy problems (such as morning sickness and heartburn), psoriasis, restless leg syndrome, sexual dysfunctions, sinusitis, sprains, stomach ulcers, tension-type  headaches, throat infections, thrush, thyroid problems, trigeminal neuralgia, ulcers, vertigo, viral infections.

Benefits of using Homoeopathic Treatment

  • Effective
  • Natural and holistic approach
  • Individualised treatment plans
  • Aim to treat the root-cause of the disease
  • No side effects
  • Non-toxic
  • Safe to treat babies and during pregnancy
  • Safe to use together with pharmaceutical medications

How to store and take Homoeopathic medicines

Storage of Homoeopathic Medicines

  • Store medicine bottles in a cool, dry place (approximately at 25⁰C) out of direct sunlight.
  • Store out of reach of children and preferably away from microwaves, television sets, electrical points etc.
  • Once you have taken the medicine, ensure that you close the bottle/container immediately to prevent contamination.
  • If you happen to spill any of the medicine, do not return the spilled-contents to the bottle/container but rather discard it.

How to take Homoeopathic Medicines

  • Allow a 15 minute time period between eating/drinking or brushing your teeth and the administration of the medicine.
  • Try to avoid strong odours/flavours (such as Camphor or Coffee) immediately after taking your remedy (again, allow approximately a 15 minute gap).
  • Homoeopathic medicines are usually administered, orally, under the tongue.

Book appointment : 072 433 4687 / hnorton@hompath.co.za